Mario litter at Vechost (Russia) produced 5 champions...
- International Champion, 2xCh. of RKF, Champion of National Club, Lithuanian, Estonian & Khazakhstan winner; Champion of Russia, Georgia, Moldavia, Lithuania, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Israel, Bulgaria. Multi BIS1 and BIG1 Vechnost Izbrannitsa Ilada Chudo
- Champion of Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan Vechnost Izumrud Igristoe Soverhenstvo
- Champion of Russia, Moldavia Vechnost Infanta Izluchenie Schastya
- Champion of Russia, Georgia Vechnost Irina Nezhnaja Radost
- Champion of Russia Vechnost Ilona Izumitelnoe Izjaschestvo
ch. Vechnost Izbrannitsa Ilada Chudo